Oil on Canvas 36" x 60" x 2"

Oil on Canvas 36" x 60" x 2"

The legend of Avalon is that of an enchanted land, where women ruled as the creators of life and keepers of knowledge.  It is the place King Arthur is said to have gone to heal after a battle. The Avalon story tells of a time when the rise and spread of Christianity resulted in the corresponding loss of feminine ritual and belief.  As fewer and fewer people remembered the old stories, Avalon, as a place, an idea, a belief disappeared into the mists; an end to an age.

Two days after the 2016 presidential election, I felt was a rise of something new -- and a slipping away of the ideals of justice, equality and opportunity for all.  The parallels felt staggering to me.  Justice, liberty, freedom are not legislated.  They are instead beliefs that exist because we value, respect and honor their importance.  And if enough of us forget their importance, like Avalon, they may disappear into the mist, and we may experience an end to an age.